The text you are about to read was taken from a transcript found on a body pulled from the East River after an anonymous tip led the NYPD to find it. As of yet the body in question has not been identified and no correlation has been established between the transcript and the deceased. We are an organization that is working outside of the police department and have no direct affiliation with the investigation. We will be posting the transcript here as pages are released, thru undisclosed means, in the hopes that someone might read it and be able offer any clues as to who this person was to help the authorities find out why he was killed. The details of his demise have been withheld in order to protect the un-yet known family members. According to the transcript the events in this story took place between September 2007 and October 2010, and as far as we know it seems to have been left unfinished. We will also be furnishing any investigation updates as they are made available as this may also help in solving this crime. There is no indication or proof that the events described within are fact, any similarities to real life events have so far been withheld. The transcript is presented here unedited.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Post 3: Sam's Place: 9/13/10, Pages Left Unnumbered

We are not sure exactly where this part of the story fits in yet but it is clear that it is out of place. Our best guess would be that it is some point towards the end and are unsure as to why the authorities released it to us at this time. Still we found it important information nonetheless and posted it here for you to read...

Sam's Place: September 13, 2010

If you are reading this now it probably means that I am dead and the events of the past few months have finally caught up with me. Hopefully you will take it upon yourself to take this to the authorities as soon as you're finished because maybe, just maybe I can still be saved. Jimmy has been suspicious of me for some time, whether it be his missing little black book or because of what he thought I did with Jules. Shit, he already almost killed me just because he thought I was messing around with her. I'm not sure if her is the right term actually. For the past three days I have been holed up here in Sam XXXX's apartment knowing that Jimmy is out there looking for me, the run-in with Jimmy's goon Bradford made me certain of that. I just want to say that I had no other option in the matter, I didn't mean to kill Bradford but he left me no choice. I'm sure the police have already located his body over on XXXXXXXX, right next to the Cathedral. It's my fault that I didn't see him following me after work so I was caught completely by surprise when he stopped me before I got on the Subway. He pushed me, with extreme ease I might add, into a nearby parking lot which was empty but for a sleeping attendant and a couple of forgotten cars. He wasn't saying much but I knew from the look in his eyes he wanted to pummel me, then again I couldn't be sure what his eyes were saying since one was a bit crooked. I never knew where I was supposed to focus with someone like that and always wondered if they knew I was just looking at their nose. Either way I knew I was in a heap of trouble and had to do something. Inside my backpack was my laptop and I thought that if I could just hit him in his crooked-eyed head it could possibly knock him out or at least disorient him enough so I could get away. That was when he pulled out his gun and flipped open his cell phone. I knew exactly who he was calling and had to act fast. So when he momentarily looked down to punch the keys on his keyboard I lept towards him and with all my force swung my bag to hit him. Unfortunately it fell short of the target but walloped his left shoulder hard enough to cause both his phone and gun to hit the ground. Stunned at what had just happened we both looked at each other for a moment and that's when I saw the gun was right by my feet. I picked it up and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. Bradford looked at me and said..."Not loaded." That's also when he said that he was going to kill me and the point at which I had no choice to do what I did. He came at me like a linebacker making a tackle on a running back, lifting me high into the air then slamming me hard to the concrete. I don't know if it was the rush of adrenaline but I quickly recovered and thrust the butt of the gun into the side of his head with a strength that I was not normally capable of. Bradford went immediately limp as blood began to trickle out of a large gash above his left ear. It is hard to explain the experience of watching a man die right in front of you and even harder since I had been the one to do it. I'd never done anything more that kick someone's ass before, which was completely debatable, and that was way back in high school. Realizing I couldn't just leave him lying there I dragged the body across the lot to where it bordered the back of a nearby Cathedral. Just beyond the fence was an old cemetary, a fitting spot to put the body I thought. No amount of super adrenaline strength would allow me to lift his body over the fence but with a pick-up truck parked nearby I didn't have to. I managed to pull the limp carcass up into the bed of the truck at which point I then stood him upright and pushed him head first over the fence. With a sickening thud sound the body landed and I quickly turned and ran. So you see I had no other choice, what was I supposed to do let him kill me? When I got far enough away I called my boss Sam to ask if I could crash in the apartment above the shop for a few days. I knew that he only used it a couple of times a month for his rendezvous with his 'special friend' Virginia, his hairstylist from Brooklyn. I didn't tell him what had happened, fucker probably would have called the cops on me, I just said I was having issues at home. He was ok with it as long as I'd be gone by the following Thursday because as he said, "Virginia and me gonna spend some quality time together on Thursday night, if ya know what I mean." That was fair and thought by that time my wife might have wanted to talk to me long enough for me to explain why I hadn't been home. So far it's been three very long days and nights in which I have gotten relatively no sleep. I sit by the windows wondering if Jimmy's Caddy is gonna pull up out front and bang on the door, but so far it's been quiet. Part of me thinks that Jimmy wouldn't immediately suspect that I was the one who took out Bradford, especially the way in which I did it, maybe he'd think it was Randall's crew from Staten Island. I don't know. What I do know is that Jimmy is expecting to see me on Thursday to help him collect the sheets, if I don't show up then he'll know somethings wrong. For now I'll just have to take that chance.

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